Join Our Cudworth Affiliate Influencer Community

Thanks for your interest in joining the Cudworth Affiliate Influencer Community.

We offer a lifetime 25% commission on sales made from click-throughs from your links. Lifetime commissions enable you to earn commission on all future purchases made by your referred customers on this website.

Anyone with a publicly visible profile(s) can apply; however, we review every application for suitability. 

We are open to everyone, although some may be more suitable for our marketing purposes.

How it works:

  1. Fill in the form below and send it.
  2. We'll review your application and your publicly visible profile(s)
  3. If approved, we'll send you an initial product kit with samples we are recommending
  4. You'll also get a gift card to choose items of your own choice
  5. You'll get a unique click-through codes/urls to embed in your posts
  6. You'll get notified every time a customer makes a purchase from your referral
  7. Commissions are paid to you at the end of every month

To join, fill in the information below, and we'll respond soon.


To submit your application, complete the form below. After that, we will be in touch!



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Personal & Contact Information

Full Name
Mailing Address

Online Presence & Marketing Platforms

Social Media Handles

Experience & Strategy


Have you read and understood our Affiliate Program Terms & Conditions?
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